Also known as Personal Support Worker
Work one on one with individuals that we serve. We have part time to full time work available.
This would be perfect for anyone wanting flexible night and weekend work as well.
(a) Be at least 18 years of age.
(b) Be legally eligible to work in the United States demonstrated by:
(A) A completed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9;
(B) Other documents that prove legal ability to work in the United States; or
(C) A notarized letter from the Executive Director or Board of Directors acknowledging the agency understands the responsibility to maintain I-9s for all employees and attesting the agency has a completed I-9 for each employee.
(c) Hold a current, valid, and unrestricted professional license or certification where services and supervision requires specific professional education, training, and skill.
(d) Understand requirements of maintaining confidentiality and safeguarding individual information.
(e) Not be on the list of excluded or debarred providers maintained by the Office of the Inspector General.
(f) Be literate and capable of understanding written and oral orders.
(g) Be able to communicate with individuals, health care providers, case managers, and appropriate others.
(h) Be able to respond to emergency situations at all times services are being delivered.
(i) Be certified in CPR and First Aid by a recognized training agency within 90 calendar days of employment.
(j) Receive 12 hours of job-related in-service training annually.
(k) Have clear job responsibilities as described in a current signed and dated job description.
(l) If transporting individuals, have a valid driver's license and vehicle insurance in compliance with the laws of the Department of Motor Vehicles.
(m) Additional qualifications required by applicable program rules for the staff of an agency endorsed to those rules.

Train other workers in the field.
Have you been working in this field for a while? Are you proficient at what you do? Do you want to help others grow in this field?
We are looking for highly qualified providers looking to model the skills they have learned.
Must meet the DSP's job requirements plus 5 years experience as a DSP or PSW.

Looking for the one!

Join Us
This is your Job Application section paragraph. Encourage potential employees to apply for a job at your company.